Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Little Old Lady Adventures

The youth group is having a missions week here at the church. They will be traveling around the area performing "Acts of Random Kindness" in the community (this all comes from Evan Almighty and Ark Almighty in case you were wondering). Anyway, we have been trying to line up meals for the kids during that week so that we could keep the cost of the week way down. One of the other office ladies has been calling Bible Fellowship class leaders to see if their classes would take a night. One of the leaders was another of our Little Old Ladies (LOL) and she missed the original call, so our office lady left her a message stating who she was and what she wanted. This is the conversation when the LOL called back:

LOL: Somebody called me from there and I don't know who it was.

Me: Did they leave you a message?

LOL: Yes, but she didn't say who she was. Was it Doug?

Doug is a man...she heard the message and knew that it was from a woman...but here she is asking if it was a man that called her. Somebody forgot to take her pills!!

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