Tuesday, August 25, 2009

He survived his first day of preschool (and so did I)...

I wanted to do the "back to school" photo op like everyone else, but he wasn't all that interested at first...

Then he got the hang of saying "cheese"...
Cheese while showing off Lightening McQueen...
When I dropped him off at the door I asked for a hug and a kiss (which he gave... reluctantly). Then he took off running into the room and sat down with the teacher to play with the cars.

Then I headed out for breakfast with the girls!

I think he had a wonderful time. But I did panic a little when I picked him up. I have never seen his skin so red or his hair so saturated with sweat. They had been on the playground for the past 45 minutes and it showed! I rushed him to the water fountain where we camped out for the next 10 minutes or so until he started to return to a normal color! He was still pretty red even after coming home, downing a cup full of ice cold juice and having his clothes taken off. But he was in a great mood, so I know it was fun! I think next time I will just pick him up a little earlier (with some ice water on hand)!
The sister on the other hand couldn't care less about what was going on! She just happily went along for the ride!