Monday, December 07, 2009

The 2 year old version of Christmas music...

The boy loves to sing along to any song he hears... even though he rarely knows the words! It was no different today during lunch while we were listening to Christmas music. He would mumble along trying his best to sing the correct words. Finally, exasperated.... he burst out singing...

"Bad boys, bad boys. Whatcha gonna dooooo..." (actually it was more like "fad foyz, fad foyz. Whaya donna doooo")

I, of course, died laughing. Which made him laugh.

Then he said, "Mommy, dat's fwom COPS." (As though I didn't know) "I yike dat song!"

His daddy was very proud.


Jennifer said...

That poor boy. . . am I gonna have to come teach him some Christmas songs! ;) He is so funny!

ShelleyRo said...

too funny, I love it.

Tricia Rush Richner said...

I am going to pee my pants laughing.