Dear Caden,
Four years ago today, you made us parents...for the first time! What an adventure it has been!

This morning at breakfast you said "when I was a little brother..." and I had to explain to you that you are the oldest and never were a little brother. I couldn't tell if you really understood, but you sure like being the oldest! And you are...usually... a really loving brother! You help your sister...when she will let you...and you love on Cooper as much as you can!

We love your sense of style. Over the last several months we have really let you go with your clothing choices. Sometimes it takes every ounce of patience I have to let you walk out the door in your chosen outfit! But I just remind myself that it really isn't that big of a deal...and if it makes you happy, then it's fine with me!

You are growing so much! Your body has lost all of it's 'baby' are tall and slim...and all boy! You have become very independent and can do most anything on your own! It's refreshing for me, but at the same time I wish you would slow down!

Your hair is a little crazy! We have tried several different styles...but we have finally just decided to embrace your curls! I love them! Some day - in the not so distant future - you will hate your curls, but for now we are really enjoying them!

You love all things cars! You play with, race, crash and drive your cars around all day long. The only thing you love more is trains! We can often be found in the Farmer's Market parking lot watching trains go by! You LOVE it...your sister, not so much!

The other day, you walked into the kitchen and announced you had decided to become a fireman! You said you wanted to put out fires and rescue people. We all think that is a very admirable goal (especially Pawcaw)! Before that you wanted to drive a firetruck and a garbage truck. We will support you in whatever you decide to become!

You are a lover of music. I'm pretty sure you have never heard a tune you couldn't dance to! You love to play the drums and the guitar and sing and dance all day! I am very curious as to what you will do with this love of music!

You are a good helper! You surprise me several times a day by doing something for me that I didn't even ask you to do. Bringing the dishes (not just your own) from the table to the sink, helping Carinna, putting things away, etc. I am loving this side of you!

You are very literal! It really cracks us up...and sometimes it frustrates us. You don't always let us joke around with you, sometimes it makes you upset. You take things very seriously most of the time, but at lunch the other day you started telling dad some story...weaving a tale. When I turned to look at you, knowing you were lying, you raised your eyebrows as if letting me in on the prank. It was VERY funny! It's the first time I have ever heard you make up such a tall tale in order to fool someone else!

You are a lover of chocolate! What can I are your father's child! Speaking of being your father's are still absolutely crazy about dad! Most Saturday's the two of you set out for the day to run errands and go to work. Dad always gets you a special drink (Bug Juice or a Gatorade) and you have a blast hanging out all afternoon! Very often, you fall asleep in the truck on the way home for dinner!

You are learning to be a good friend! We have had a few teachable-moment-experiences this past year and I really hope that you are learning from them. We have talked a lot about being a good friend even when other kids are not. It seems that, at least in one instance, you have understood that everyone is different and how to accept them as they are. I am very proud of you for figuring this out so early in the game! My hope for you is that you can overcome peer pressure and have a heart for the people around you.

We are so thankful for you! You are such a good kid and we don't know what we'd do without you!

We look forward to watching you continue to grow and change into the boy you will become! We hope that you continue to be silly, adventurous, sweet and loving. We love you so much!
Happy 4th Birthday, Caden!!