You are 9...NINE months old! NINE! need to slow down!
You now say "uh oh," "mama" and "dada." When I come in your room to get you out of bed you say "mama mama mama!" It's a great thing to makes my morning...and mid-morning and afternoon!
You weigh about 25.6 lbs. A pound more than Carinna.
You crawl like crazy and are in to EVERYTHING!
You LOVE cords, t.v. cords, Christmas tree cords...any cord you can get you hands on! It's frustrating!
You pull up onto your knees and now you are trying your best to stand on your feet.
You got a walker from Santa and you tear through the house on that thing like nobody's business!
You love to do the downward dog yoga pose...not sure why.
You like to do patty cake. When you "throw it in the pan" you sometimes only throw with one hand and it cracks me up.
You love to give squeeze-so-hard-you-can't-breathe-hugs. They are awesome!
I still rock you to sleep at night...because I can't help it...but you are starting to fight it.
I have yet to find a pair of socks that will stay on your feet.
You hate real shoes!
You keep trying to hold your own bottle.
Your thighs are so fat I can't even fit my hand around them!
Happy NINE months my little Coop!
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