Wednesday, October 11, 2006

LOST (Updated)

Oh, LOST - how I love thee...
let me count the ways (I mean...what the heck is there not to like about it?):

1. Oceanic Flight 815 - which crashed on September 22, 2004 (Sept. 22 is my birthday - ooohhhh! spookie!!!)

2. The Others

3. "You tasted like fish biscuits."

4. Walt - what a strange kid

5. Polar bears on a tropical island

6. Bad Twin

7. The Smokey Monster

8. Hanso Foundation and the Dharma Project

9. Henry Gale or is it Ben?

10. 4 8 15 16 23 42

11. The Hatch

12. Stephen King Book Club

13. dark pasts

...and much, much more

Check out these websites too - if you are a LOST fan:

Oceanic Air - There are 2 secret messages on this page...see if you can find them.

Hanso Foundation - This used to be a full "website" but now we just get this letter. I think that checking back here from time to time will give us some clues. (Like Rachel Blake is related to the Hanso Foundation - and somehow her boyfriend - Desmond - ended up on the island...curious.)


joyfuljourney said...

Oh sister! I agree! So, who's the daddy of Sun's baby? I'm looking forward to next week because I've missed Charlie. I think he is so funny!

joyfuljourney said...

My Gosh, last night's show was good!! I hate waiting for the next episode.