with this:

The overwhelming, insane, powerful force drawing his hands to the pile of dirt I had just swept up. He's pointing to it saying "Uhhh?" which means "May I please put my hand in the middle of it and scatter this pile of junk to the four winds?? Oh please mommy!! Please, oh, please!!"
I say "NO, don't touch!" So he watches me... studies my every move with the broom... then the dust pan. It is a scene that plays out day after day.
On this particular day I laid the broom down for a moment and he decided to do this...

...sweep... oh and hit everything in sight with the broom handle.
That's right, he's a ladies man all right! He will make some lady very proud some day with his sweeping skills taught to him by his mama. But let's not talk about that lady that he will make so proud, it just isn't a bridge I am ready to cross yet.
See how Chia manages to expertly move her head out of the way just in time to avoid a knock on the chin?

These aren't the best photos, but keep in mind that I was ducking a dodging the whole time... I did the best I could.