Thursday, February 11, 2010

Catching Up...

I realized today how long it had been since I updated... so I figured I had some catching up to do!
So here is a rundown of what has been going on around here...

Caden got a haircut... his first real-not-from-a-family-member cut.
He didn't like it.

Then the church burned down... now we have Bible study here every week. Arson. Very sad.
The kids got new car seats! Very exciting! (Actually Carinna got Caden's old one... he got the new one.)

Even more exciting was the box it came in.

Well, mostly to the boy anyway...

The boy had a "program" at school. (As in they sang 3 songs... of which he did not sing one word... too busy looking for mom & dad in the crowd.)

It was family day... they served lunch after.

We've been learning to love each other and be helpful.

The girl started eating finger foods... which she LOVES! (PLEASE ignore the hand-me-down bib from her brother... poor planning on my part!)

I broke down and bought a Thomas the Train video. It was a HUGE hit.

The girl discovered my camera...

The boy discovered his pockets.

Well, I think that pretty much sums it up. We are just sitting around tonight waiting for the snow! I am not holding my breath that we will actually get any, but who knows! I would love to get a good snow so that the boy can experience it!


Anonymous said...

Thomas the Train?????Please don't bring it here when you come to visit!Worst movie ever made...Thanks for updating your blog...

Tricia Rush Richner said...

Always love seeing what they are doing. . .