Tuesday, January 26, 2010


One of the girl's newest tricks is to make a terrible face when she is finished eating or drinking. It is her non-verbal way of telling us that she couldn't possibly eat one more bite!

It cracks me up... which is a good thing since half the time I feel like pulling my hair out by the time I am finished feeding the persnickety thing!!

In the mornings... oh the mornings... she insists on pestering her brother to death! She will NOT stay away from him while he is snacking on his breakfast and trying to watch his cartoons. This is what it looks like...

What you don't see is that immediately before I took this video I had moved her across the room for the 3rd time. She is fast when she is on a mission. I didn't even have time to get the camera turned on before she was back to his bean bag chair pestering him again. I hear "MOMMY, please move sister!!!" about 6 million times every.single.morning!!


ShelleyRo said...

I love it

Tricia Rush Richner said...

Laughing out loud. Poor Caden.