Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Year In Review

Well, I'm back! I know that everyone is just SO excited! Anyway, we had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year...so far! I did have to come back to work today, so the jury is still out on the Happy New Year part! :)

I just wanted to share my Year in Review letter with everyone. I know...yawn...but you may actually find this one somewhat exciting...I do at least!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope that this year has been a good one for your family. For us, 2006 has been busy, sometimes stressful, and uncertain at times but in the long run it has been good.

In July we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and were able to take a trip to Colorado. Randy fished to his heart's content while I just enjoyed relaxing & sight seeing. The trip was a lot of fun (well, except for the time when Randy "caught" me in the back with his fishing hook... that hurt a little) But the trip came at the perfect time since we were in the big middle of our move to a new house.

This brings us to the next major event...The Move!

We had planned to put our house on the market in the summer since we were so sick of our pool and wanted more space. But as it happens we ended up selling the house before we even listed it! This was both great and a huge nightmare (since we had no house to move to)! So after some very stressful and serious house hunting…we finally got our new home. And it was just in time too, since we were about to have to end the search and find a rent house! Since then I have been busy painting and decorating! I only have a few rooms left and it is really starting to feel like home.

But our greatest accomplishment this year was still yet to come! We recently found out the happy news that we will be having our first baby in summer 2007. Just the finding out has been a little adventure in itself - we weren't quite expecting it yet! We were able to tell our parents with special Christmas gifts... which was too much fun! We don't know much more about the happy news, but we will be sure to let you know as time goes by!

We hope this New Year will bring many blessings to your family. We look forward to all that 2007 holds for our growing family!

Randy & Kara


Beaver said...

Oh, how exciting!!!!! Summer babies are so fun! A good time to expect the first since you're so excited you don't notice how miserable you are in the heat! You may be wishing for that pool you hated so much last summer!! :-)

joyfuljourney said...

You're PREGNANT? When were you planning to tell ME?????

Just kidding! The Jacksons are so excited about this little peanut! Almost as excited as we are to get the baby stuff outta the garage!

I can't wait to hear "her" say "Aunt Jill"!

Nissa said...

hey kara! I found your blog through Matt's...Congratulations!!!!