Friday, August 10, 2007

The Events...

I was sent straight over to Labor & Delivery after my regular appointment. It made me a little nervous!

Didn't have much pain for most of the labor.R helping me breathe. At least he keeps things light!

Fresh out of the oven.
Waiting for his first bath.
...and the adventure begins...


Anonymous said...

I know I held him Wednesday but I'm already having withdrawl. He is so pretty.

LIFe - Matt said...

Ok, so props on the delivery and mega props for already uploading pics and blogging about the little guy!

We're so excited for you guys!!! Can't wait to see y'all again and meet the little man.

Full Hart said...

Ohhhhhhhh, he's beautiful. Great pixs; I've already started Caden's picture file on my computer. I will print one up immed. for us to look at and beam.
Look at the outlining hairline and that wonderful dimple in his chin.......I looked up face reading (physiognomy) and found that a dimple in Caden's chin will predict an adventurous, playful and romantic personality. Isn't that fun !!!
Catch some zzzz's when you can. 10 fingers and 10 toes; can't ask for anything more than that. So glad Caden has arrived.
Love, MeMa & PaPa

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful child! Congratulations and God's blessings to you and your family.
Joe Quinn AKA "The gum guy."