Saturday, March 08, 2008

Special Report...7 months

So today the boy is 7 months old! He still has no hair or teeth, but he is making huge strides in other areas!
He still loves to grab things...including the camera!
He likes to eat chicken.
He loves his dog!
And he has decided to try his hand at crawling...
I realize these pictures really don't do it justice, but he actually pulls his legs up under him and wiggles his hiney. At this point, I had been video taping for a bit. By the time I got out the still camera he was tired.

Really, really tired.
Then he ended the day watching Cops with dad.
Also very tiring.


Anonymous said...

Obviously, not a TRUE cops fan!
Thanks for new pix...needed a Caden
fix! G-ma

Beaver said...

Oh, my goodness, those mommy genes are so strong! He looks just like you!