Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I would just like to say that I do not find myself to be a very political person, but this got my blood pressure up this morning. A correspondent on a national broadcast insinuating that some people are less than intelligent because they may not be voting for Obama... excuse me?? There should be an apology for this. Regardless of which way you vote, it is your right to choose... and hopefully every voter makes an informed decision. An informed decision - either way - would negate your "stupidity"... usually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't hold my breath for an apology.

First of all, there's a reason the crowd chanted "NBC...NBC" when Gov Palin derided the media in her acceptance speech. They are in the tank in love with BHO.

Secondly, the correspondent is Luke Russert, son of Tim who was a Democrat operative before host of Meet the Press. He was generally a fair guy until Obama appeared on the scene as his messiah.

Third, the whole premise of the story is irrelevant. There's a word for elitist Democrat candidates who rely on the youth vote to win elections. They're called losers. See Al Gore and John Kerry. A few other choice words come to mind actually.

This comment is totally in line with Obama's when he spoke of people in the heartland clinging to their guns and religion.

Perhaps Obama should hire one of those smart UVA students to tutor Biden. I bet even they know that FDR wasn't president in 1929 and nobody had TV sets yet.