Thursday, August 03, 2006

Who has the answer key?

I read this blog every single day. I love how this guy throws out these little questions that really get you thinking. Some of them are silly, but some of them are really deep. More than anything, though, I love to read the comments. He has such a wide range of readers that have such a variety of beliefs. I find it fascinating.

But this particular entry has really had me thinking today. Not about why God does or does not do things (I'm just not worried about that - He is in control) but how do I make those around me understand that type of faith. We live in such a cynical world. It often feels to me that people are too lazy to have faith, maybe too independent. They don't want to work to understand the Truth or give up control in order to believe. So how do you effectively share, with a non-believer, how to have that unexplainable faith. That trust that, in all actuality, doesn't always make sense.

This is something I really struggle with from time to time. How do I make them see that God loves them no matter how "happy" he makes them. Why did God allow the girl to be raped? I really don't know. I have a lot of theories - I'm just too lazy to type them all out (there goes that "lazy" thing again). But when all is said and done, I am okay with saying that I don't have all the answers. God doesn't want us to know everything - what would be the fun of heaven if we already knew what it was all about?? Now I just have to figure out how to make others understand.

Life is an adventure!

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