Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mother's Day Prediction...

On my first real Mother's Day (not that being pregnant didn't make me a mother, too), I sat in our dining room-turned play room and happily played with my little boy. We laughed, he drooled, we bounced balls, I created towers and he destroyed them, and we made a wild ruckus. Then THIS happened...

I could NOT believe what I had just seen, so I went and got the camera and coaxed him to do it again. And sure enough... he did it again! The first time he walked the length of the long window, crossed to the second window then dropped down to get to a toy.

My prediction... he will be full blown walking by ten months. Oh Lord, what will I do then? There will be no stopping him and never again will I ever get anything accomplished! Sigh.


Anonymous said...


LIFe - Matt said...

It kinda looks like he's taking a leak on your window...which will probably happen one of these days.