Monday, May 26, 2008

The Pasty White Family Swims

For our Memorial Day celebrations this year, we bought the boy a pool. Now for those of you who know us well, you know that one of the reasons that we moved was to get rid of our pain-in-the-you-know pool. So we have down sized big time. After shopping for, purchasing, inflating, and filling...we sat in the ice cold the rain...and splashed around. We are such a pale white family that we all pretty much blended in to the white bottom of the pool, it was like camo for pasty people.

I have been busy, busy, busy... thus the lack of posts. I will update soon because there have been big happenings in the Adventures household. Well, not that big... don't get too excited! But still there are some things worth mentioning. Right now I am needing to finish up at least half of the bazillion projects I have going on, but I hope to get my life organized here pretty soon... ha... I almost said that with a straight face!


JAR said...

You had me going for a second there. . .organized. . .I was about to ask you how to do it! Seems like the more I try to get organized, the crazier my world gets. Maybe there is a magical moment when we decide it really doesn't matter, and we don't really care. Well, I can dream.

Our pasty white family can give the Adventures pasty white family plenty of company. You need to bring that cute boy up here with a little float so he can splash around with the cousins!

Looking forward to coming posts.

ShelleyRo said...

I would much rather have a pasty family than the "Romans'Red Team" I have going here. Don't men know to reapply sunscreen at Summer Fun?

Very cute boy!!!! You can borrow Viv anytime this summer to keep the boy distracted so you can do things like cleaning and organizing.