Friday, September 22, 2006


Well, it's my birthday today! It is funny how they don't seem to be such a big deal as an adult...well, until you hit the BIG ones...30...40...50. I am happy to say that I haven't reached any major milestone birthdays...yet. But I am getting very, VERY close!

My sister wrote an incredibly sweet post today...just for little ol' me! She was nice enough to include a good picture of me and not one of those horrible awkward pictures from Junior High!

So far- for my birthday I have been out to eat three times with 3 different sets of people. Maybe what I really need is a membership to the gym - instead of all these dinners! So, "THANK YOU!" to everyone who called, sent cards, or took me to dinner! I have the bestest friends and family in the world!!!


joyfuljourney said... do! 3 times huh?

Have you read our brother's comments on my blog?


joyfuljourney said...

Did you see that "Joy in the Journey" is having TWINS!?