Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Some very funny (though a little misguided) things that my husband has said since we found out I am pregnant:

1. "I want us to have an old-fashioned delivery. The kind where I sit out in the waiting room."

2. "…and so I said 'I don't have a problem with dirty diapers…I don't do diapers so why would I have a problem with them?'"

3. "But the baby likes it when I tickle your feet."

4. "If it is twin boys let's name them Anakin and Eragon!"

5. One night (after a long day of "morning sickness") he asked if I was okay to which I replied he said "Well, you only have 7 more months."

6. "Here, just get a to-go box… you'll be hungry again in an hour."

7. "Did you poot? Do you need to? Can I video the delivery so I can catch you pooting?"

8. "I think I am gaining sympathy weight."

9. The husband and Dave went to pick up the crib we purchased a few days ago. On the way he said to Dave "This is kind of's like going to get your first dog house for your first puppy!" To which Dave replied " is NOT like getting a puppy!"

10. After we both suffered from a stomach virus a couple of weeks he said "I think I can handle the sympathy weight...but this sympathy puking really sucks."

11. When trying to pose for the belly shot below, I told him that I wanted to look pregnant but not which he replied "I can't do both here." It is really a good thing that I love him. A really, really, really good thing.

Just imagine a huge eye-rolling on my part after each of the above statements!


Beaver said...

I had to get a tissue to wipe my eyes, I'm laughing so hard! Thanks! I needed that today!

joyfuljourney said...

Does he realize you might do more than poot during delivery?

I also heard he said you don't have to throw up! Did he read that somewhere? I doubt it, dads don't read pregnancy books or websites! I specifically told him you'd feel better if you puked! Obviously he wasn't listening to my wonderful advice!

Anonymous said...

Has he mentioned that you don't understand the changes he's going through, that one's a classic D.R. comment from when V. was in the oven.