Saturday, August 02, 2008

I love this age...

We have begun the countdown to the big 1st birthday! The '1' t-shirt has been ordered, the decorations purchased, the gifts picked out... we are just waiting for the day! I am so excited I can hardly concentrate on anything else (which is not very good since we still have a week).

But more than anything else, I have realized that this is my favorite age so far. Each phase has it's own excitement and fun, but 12 months seems to be the perfect age (so far). He still has just enough baby and needs to cuddle, but he also loves to play and wrestle and be tickled and chased and thrown around like a rag doll. He is so expressive, cute and sweet... but more than anything he makes me laugh so hard I cry about 3 times a day!

So, here's to celebrating 12 monthedness...


JAR said...

So adorable!!!

I can't stop looking at that last picture and laughing. That look!

ShelleyRo said...

We are so excited about the birthday party. The kids have already bought him a gift just from them and Jack can't wait to go somewhere.

The boy always has such cute faces.

JMBMOMMY said...

Oh--it is the best age! My little boy just celebrated the big 1 too! And then they grow up so fast....

Anonymous said...

He loves his daddy...
