Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Turkish Delight by The David Crowder Band


Anonymous said...

So, in this scenario, who would be the White Witch?

kacole said...

Well... in this scenario there is no White Witch. I can only put songs on this which came from an actual CD and not ones I purchased through iTunes...which stinks since I have many other songs that would have been great for both montages. So, basically I went with the most appropriate - that I could use. Plus I like Turkish Delight...stop being so literal.

Anonymous said...

I must stop trying to look at this while the kids are around. They want to watch the "tv" a hundred times.

joyfuljourney said...

Very cute, brother. When you hear a song, do you immediately name the artist, album, year produced? Remember what you were doing the first time you heard it?

Of course you do...it's a gift.

I like how the birthday boy's hair looks red in some of the pics!

BTW, I didn't know C had a big brother. Oh, that's his monkey cousin! My boys are good at sneaking into other family pictures. :-)